Live a spicy life with the Samurai

Saturday, September 24, 2005

TV Land

Cool TV shows: Well, I thought I’d put together a list of TV shows that I like. I thought it would be longer, but apparently, there’s not much to recommend anymore. I suppose I’ve been relatively busy, or that I’m just not finding many shows to get excited about, but only 3 to recommend? That’s crazy. Anyway, here they are:

Recommended:Family Guy- Almost always very funny. Very crude and not for younger viewers. I got hooked on this during its initial run back in 1999-2001. I left for Japan and it got cancelled. I come back from Japan and a year or later its back on. Su~arashii!~

Arrested Development- Again, an almost always consistently funny show. I also loved this one when it came out 2 years ago- why the hell don’t more people watch it?! The ratings on it are so bad, it almost didn’t come back for the 2nd season. And then again for the 3rd. Its won a bunch of Emmy’s but more people want to watch Will and Grace?! What’s wrong with the world.

Lost- I tried to avoid this one. When I saw the previews for it last year, I thought to myself, here’s another hour long drama that’s going to suck. I watched the first episode and thought it was ok. I caught a handful of other episodes, always out of order, while I was on the road. The more I watched it though, the more I got into it. Its pretty suspenseful and interesting. I caught the season premier this week and I’m still excited about how its going to end. I just hope they let the series die when its time comes and ABC does not try to drag it out, just because of its high ratings. When the story ends, it should end as well.

OK to watch if you have nothing else to do-Moderately funny
American Dad - This is like a poor man’s imitation of Family. Made by the same folks however. I think that having two series is just stretching MacFarlane thin. He should focus on Family guy only. Still, this show is ok, and better than a lot of others.

King of Queens- not sure why I like this. Very stereotypical and generic sitcom. I didn’t watch it until I came to Japan and noticed the previous tenant had taped some shows. Since tv was in Japanese, I ended up watching the stock of leftover videos multiple times to ease my boredom. When I came back, I found out that reruns of this show are on twice a day, so within half a year, I caught up on the whole series.King of the Hill Again, this is a generally ok show.

Too early to tell:
My name is Earl - Jason Lee. Need I say more? Ok, I guess I do. New show, only seen one episode, but it was pretty funny. Definitely in the OK to watch if you have nothing else to do category, but too soon to recommend.

Threshold –new sci fi show. Aliens. Government. Etc…sounds generic. I watched the first episode though, and it piqued my interest. Lets wait on this one.


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