Live a spicy life with the Samurai

Monday, March 28, 2005


Well dear readers, time to update the blog. Dum-dum-DUM!

One thing I’ve really been into recently is podcasting. If you want info on what that is, go here: Since my commute consists of a really long drive and not public transport , I’ve taken to downloading podcasts of interest and burning them to CD to listen to in the car. Damn, it makes the ride go by faster. Problem is, is that it’s a bit of work to continually reburn cds for the trip since my burner is so slow. Couple that with the fact that I can’t get the ipodder software to completely install (forcing me to download podcasts manually). Either way, cool stuff. I like listening to the podcasts about Japan. If I were still there, I’d like to do one. Anyway, you should check this guy’s podcast out. Its entertaining: he’s got these headphone mics that he uses to walk around Tokyo. He talks to people, and goes places, and if you listen to it on headphones, and not in the car, it provides a pretty cool stereo effect. Close your eyes, and it’ll seem like you’re walking around in Tokyo. This is his site:

Other news: still looking for a house. Can’t seem to find the “right” one. Can’t wait until the Illinigame on Saturday. Tried to listen to a book on cd andI just couldn’t do it. It was horrible listening to one guy narrate and play all the characters. That’s about it. Later all. Oh, and listen to PuppyPet. Halcali is good too.


Blogger Rich Pav said...

If you were still in Japan, what kinds of things would you cover in your podcast?

9:40 PM, March 28, 2005

Blogger ricky blanco said...

Good question. Since I only started thinking about it last week, I've yet to come up with any ways to differentiate my podcast from the next.

However, there don't seem to be too many right now, so if you were to establish a fan base, it might prove easier. to what to cover, probably the same stuff as others (i.e. life and work in Japan), but I'd also have to go out of my way to get something unique. Interviews with people regarding pretty much anything (pop culture, life as a (fill in the blank), various local festivals, etc).

Not sure if it'd be any good, but something that would be fun to do.

1:13 PM, March 30, 2005


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