Live a spicy life with the Samurai

Friday, July 21, 2006


so I'm in a bit of a dilema. I was just recently turned onto a Japanese social networking site (something like a MySpace)

So its become a bit of a headache to try and update both sites. On one hand, I like mixi's interface and some of the tools available, but on the other, most of you don't have access to it, nor could you read it (its almost all in Japanese). I guess I'll have to find some sort of balance in order to keep both up....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can have your mixi site link to your external blog. I'm not sure how, but brad does it.

5:25 PM, July 30, 2006

Blogger ricky blanco said...

true, but it puts an extra step (i.e. click) for the viewer to get to the blogger site.... I may do it that way anyway though...

...but I'll put the decision off til later (par for the course for me) :)

5:32 PM, July 30, 2006

Blogger ricky blanco said...

after thinking about it a little more, I may just get rid of the blogger page and set up a flickr site instead. Then, just keep my mixi page updated...

6:03 PM, July 30, 2006


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