Live a spicy life with the Samurai

Sunday, April 03, 2005

too much hate

So I was chatting with someone yesterday. Not sure where's she's from, but she told me flat out that she hates Japan/Japanese people. WTF?! She's asian, but I'm not sure which country...but why still hold a grudge? what purpose does it serve? there's already enough hate in the world, don't bring any more to me. The cycle will never end if people still harbor hatred in their hearts.

I guess that bugs me a lot. I know some older Chinese that still have those feelings-i.e., won't buy a japanese car, go to a japanese restaurant, etc.. but the person who told me this last night was a 23 year old, post grad student. Goes to show you, education don't mean a thing.

on a side note, I'm going to see Sin City now. Heard its good. later all.


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