why can't we have more of this in the States. I mean, sprinkling water on the ground has just got to lower the temps a bit, right?! http://www.crisscross.com/jp/superview/picture/AD3
Live a spicy life with the Samurai
So Chicago is going through a heat wave. Its really freakin HOT. So today, I'm hanging out in Panera Bread (free wi-fi, woo hoo!) when an older lady in the booth across from me passes out due to heat (there's A/C, but its still a little warm).
ok, and I'm trying not to be an elitist snob or anything, but I couldn't help overhearing a conversation at the table next to me. For some reason, they were talking about testing, and test scores, and this one lady said that her younger sister scored a 14 on her ACT. Not only did she incorrectly state the highest you could score on the ACT is 30 (a perfect score is 36!), she was genuinely proud of her "brilliant"
Now, I'm not saying a 24 is bad, but I would hardly call it brilliant.